Resident FAQs: understanding the Mukuru special planning area
The heart of the SPA planning process is the participation of Mukuru’s residents. All residents in the areas under the SPA have a right to participate in the consultation process. You do not need to be part of Muungano. The SPA is under the Nairobi City County and the consultations provide a platform for people to present their issues to their representatives.
The Muungano Alliance has worked with the Mukuru community for over 10 years: its SPA role is to mobilize the community, help organise the consultation process, and coordinate the 42 organisations working together to draw up the plan.
What is SPA?
SPA stands for Special Planning Area. According to the Physical Planning Act 2012, a County government can designate an area a Special Planning Area (SPA) if it is has “unique development and environmental potential while also raising significant urban design and environmental challenges”.
When an SPA is declared, the County government starts a 2 year planning process. The plan is supposed to realise the development potential of the SPA area through investing in the design of the area. For this to happen, the County stops new developments in the area, except for projects that improve access to essential services like water, electricity and sewerage.
The Mukuru SPA
Through Kenya Gazette Notice 7654 the Nairobi City County Government declared Mukuru to be a SPA on the 11th of August 2017. The SPA has been declared across the 30 villages and 13 zones that together make up the larger Mukuru Kwa Njenga area, Mukuru kwa Reuben area, and Mukuru Viwandani. The planning process will take place between August 2017 and August 2019.
Mukuru SPA has been declared across the 3 informal areas of VIwandani, Mukuru Kwa Reuben & Mukuru Kwa Njenga
Why SPA?
Declaring Mukuru Kwa Njenga, Mukuru Kwa Ruben and Viwandani area as a SPA will allow the county government in consultation with the Mukuru community to come up with a Mukuru integrated development plan.
Mukuru is 647 acres. Most of Mukuru sits on private land. There are 223 private plots. One key aim of the SPA is to find a way to make the land available for the development of the Mukuru communities.
Mukuru is faced with many risks. Large infrastructure lines such as high voltage power lines, the railway, and oil pipeline pause risks. Mukuru also has high incidence of flooding, fire and diseases such as cholera. The plan is intended to address these risks.
Mukuru is also home to more than 300,000 people. It is also has a very vibrant business sector, it has a lot of schools, religious and cultural centres and it has an economy of more than Ksh 7 billion. The SPA aims to improve this potential of Mukuru.
The neighbourhood deserves the best. We want a Mukuru with better roads and drainage, and with proper waste management.
We want a Mukuru safe from flooding, fires and natural disasters. We want a Mukuru with good schools, health facilities and spaces for businesses.
We want a Mukuru free from evictions, a Mukuru where land conflicts are resolved and where our children and youths can develop their talents.
What will the Mukuru integrated development plan have?
The plan will show where roads and footpaths will be located. The roads and footpaths guide where water, electricity and sewer lines pass.
The plan will show where residents can settle, away from risky and environmentally unsafe areas. It will create public spaces, and opportunities for the development of employment, cultural and social opportunities.
The plan will set up the standards for construction that fit Mukuru and can accommodate the population of Mukuru. This will be an opportunity for communities wishing to improve their housing.
The plan will provide ways of improving the environment, managing waste, improving access to good education and health.
What the Mukuru integrated development plan will not have
The plan will not design houses in Mukuru. After the plan, residents in each area will have the opportunity to plan housing developments that fit them as an individual neighbourhoods. The County will provide support to neighbourhoods to realise improvements to their neighbourhoods.
How do I participate? Neighbourhood forums for issue-based planning
To participate in the SPA you must be a community member of the Mukuru SPA declared area.
Individual household addresses: The planning process divides the Mukuru SPA area into 13 segments* (ie neighbourhoods). Each segment/neighbourhood has approximately 8000 residents. The planning team will put an address number on the door of each household (room) in Mukuru. This number will tell you which neighbourhood you are in.
Cells of 10: Every numbered house will be approached to give household information. You will be asked to be part of a cell of ten houses. Frequently, information on the planning process will be passed on to you through a representative you choose in your cell.
Barazas: You will also be invited to barazas of 100 households to discuss your views on the planning. Through the cells of ten, every household has an opportunity to participate in the barazas.
Segments: Barazas are organized into segments: a segment is a geographical and demographic unit of representation and participation in the Mukuru Development Integrated Plan. A segment represents not less than 7000 and not more than 8000 families. As a result the entire SPA area has 13 segments.
Through cells of 10 and barazas, the integrated development planning process has organized the entire Mukuru community into 13 segments. Planning consultations with the thematic consortiums will take place at the segment level.
Sectoral/thematic planning areas: Mukuru Integrated development plan will be developed around the following 7 thematic areas, which are aligned to the County integrated development plan (CIDP): (1) Water, Sanitation and Energy, (2) Environment and Natural resources, (3) Land and Institutional arrangement, (4) Health Services, (5) Finance and economic development, (6) Housing, Infrastructure and Commerce, (7) Education, youth affairs and culture.
Sectoral/thematic community consultation at the segment-level: The segments shall form groups along these 7 sectoral/thematic lines. Planning sessions at the segment or neighbourhood level shall be sectoral or issue based. Each baraza (100 families) will select 2 members (gender balance is a must) to represent them in planning consultation meetings and to report back.
The planning process has set three periods for consultation. The Nairobi City County Government, and the 45 organisations partnering in the planning, will meet with the residents of Mukuru in these three periods. In each period, five meetings will be held in all of the 13 neighbourhoods that the SPA creates. (1. Housing, Commerce and Infrastructure, 2. Water, Sanitation and Energy, 3. Environment and Natural resources, 4. Education, youth affairs and culture, 5. Health Services). In your baraza you can choose 2 representatives for each of these meetings.
The community consultation process (click to expand)
Consultation meeting dates
September – December 2018
In the 1st consultation period, the planning teams will present the information they have collected and listen to ideas for solutions.
In this period, 4 meetings will be held in each of the 13 ‘segment’ neighbourhoods that the SPA creates:
1 x 13 meetings on Water, Sanitation and Energy
1 x 13 meetings on Environment and Natural resources
1 x 13 meetings on Education, youth affairs and culture
1 x 13 meetings on Health Services
In addition, the Housing, Commerce and Infrastructure consortium will be consulting at the cluster level.
In your Baraza you can choose 2 representatives for each of these meetings.
Jan – Mar 2019
In the 2nd consultation period, the planning teams will present draft plans and get feedback.
In this period, 5 meetings will be held in each of the 13 neighbourhoods that the SPA creates:
1 x 13 meetings on Housing, Commerce and Infrastructure
1 x 13 meetings on Water, Sanitation and Energy
1 x 13 meetings on Environment and Natural resources
1 x 13 meetings on Education, youth affairs and culture
1 x 13 meetings on Health Services.
In your Baraza you can choose 2 representatives for each of these meetings.
Feb–August 2019
In the 3rd consultation period, the planning team will present a draft final plan and get your feedback. In this period, one meeting on the integrated development plan will be held in each of the 13 neighbourhoods that the SPA creates.
1 x 13 meetings on the plan (which will integrate housing, commerce and infrastructure; water, sanitation and energy; environment and natural resources; education, youth affairs and culture; and health services.
SPA ni nini? Nani ana uwezo wa kutoa matangazo?
SPA inasimamia Special Planning Area kwa kimombo yaani Eneo Maalum ya Kupangilia maendeleo. Kulingana na Sheria ya Physical Planning Act 2012, Serikali ya Kaunti ina weza kutenga sehemu ya makazi kama eneo maalum ya mipango iwapo inakabiliwa na changamoto za kimazingira na kimaendeleo na kwa hivyo kutoa nafasi za kipekee za kupangilia mabadiliko.
Kwa nini SPA?
Mradi huu wa kupangilia mitaa yetu itawezesha Serikali ya Kaunti kushauriana na wakaaji ili kutoa suluhu za kubadilisha changamoto na shida zinazotukumba za kimaendeleo kama vile; mazingira, afya, elimu, uchumi, barabara nakadhalika.
Kwa nini ni muhimu Kupangilia Mukuru
Mtaa wangu unahitaji mipango mizuri. Nahitaji Mukuru iliyo na barabara nzuri, mitaro ya maji taka na utaratibu wa kukusanya taka taka. Nataka Mukuru iliyo salama kutokana na mafuriko ya mvua, adhari za moto na janga za kimazingira. Nataka Mukuru itakayo toa nafasi za elimu kwa watoto, upanga kutaimarisha mazingira; kutaunga mkono mipango endelevu; kutatoa nafasi mpya za kazi kupitia ujenzi wa makao na miundo msingi pamoja na kuboresha hali ya maisha ya jamii maskini.
Je, Nitashiriki kivipi?
Nahitaji kuwa mwana kijiji wa eneo lililo tengwa na Kaunti ya Nairobi kama eneo maalum la mipango ya maendeleo. Yaani, Mukuru Special Planning Area. Pia nahitaji kuungana na majirani wangu kwa mpango wa nyumba kumi-tujuane tujengane. Kupitia tujuane tujengane (nyumba kumi) tutajumulisha familia 100 ilikuunda baraza letu la Familia (Family Baraza)la mashauriano. Hapo katika baraza letu la familia 100 tutajadiliana kuhusu maswala yanayotukabili mtaani, tutatoa maoni yetu juu ya suluhu mwafaka yakutatua shida hizo na kisha kutuma wajumbe watakao tuwakilisha kwa vikao vya maswala ya mitaa. (Neighborhood Issue Based Forums).
Vikao vya Majadiliano Mtaani-Segment*/Neighborhood Issue Based Forum
Kikao cha Majadiliano Mtaani (neighborhood Forum) kitajumulisha waakilishi wa familia karibu elfu Nane. Hawa watakuwa ni waakilishi wa baraza za familia vijijini. Kila baraza la familia 100 itawakilishwa na wajumbe wasio pungua wawili (Lazima Jinsia izingatiwe) kwa kila swala. Maswala 7 muhimu yatatumika kushirikisha maoni ya wakaaji kwa vikao vya Majadiliano Mtaani (Neighborhood Forum). Maswala 7 ni; (1) Maji, Usafi na Nguvu kawi, (2) Mazingira na rasilmani, (3) Ardhi, (4) Huduma za Afya, (5) Fedha na maendeleo ya uchumi, (6) nyumba, Miundo msingi na biashara, (7)Elimu, Maswala ya Vijana na Tamaduni.