Voices for just climate action: Naivasha update
Originally posted to https://kyctvke.wordpress.com/2021/12/07/voices-for-just-climate-action-naivasha-updates/
by Jacob Omondi, Muungano KYCTV
Is there hope for the future?
To efficiently address climate change, Muungano Wa Wanavijiji through Slum Dwellers International has been at the forefront in setting the agenda and creating momentum on climate action, through community dialogues and a series of research that uses youth-led approaches. This approach has involved mobilizing and identifying youth groups supporting various innovative projects that aim to address climate change.
Increasing youth participation in addressing climate change has emerged to be vital. This can be done through expansion of youth networks and allowing the youth to create awareness of risks involved when it comes to climate change in Kenya and globally.
The 2019 population census by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics estimates that Nakuru county has a population of 2,162,202. Naivasha is one of the largest towns in Nakuru county and is well known for having a freshwater lake. The lake has emerged as a valuable water resource in the area, providing water for agricultural use and domestic use at the community level. However, over time there have been large variations in the water levels of the lake and this has been partly attributed to climate change as well as the vast human activities taking place within the area.
In its pursuit to increase local awareness and inspire climate action at the community level, Muungano Wa Wanavijiji leverages on its Voices for Just Climate Action program. The program seeks to encourage community awareness of climate-related challenges facing communities and empower them to take both individual and collaborative action in addressing climate change in their localities. As part of a continuous community engagement process, the federation engages community residents from various informal settlements in various areas such as Naivasha, while implementing the program. To further boost its effort in amplifying community voices through the program, the federation has proactively engaged community groups including organized groups in Naivasha that are currently pursuing innovative approaches to address climate change to promote these practical efforts.
Some of the groups that are doing exemplary work in addressing climate change include Naivasha Water Resource Users Association, Flying Eagle, Mazingira Safi Picha Tamu, Beautification Initiative Kenya among others.
Lake Naivasha Water Resource User’s Association is engaged in protecting lake Naivasha. They do this by sensitizing lake users against polluting the lake with both chemicals and solid waste which affects aquatic animal species. They also encourage their members to plant more tress to aid mitigate the effects of climate change by emission of carbon dioxide in the air and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
Additionally, the Flying Eagle group deals with waste management an activity that not only creates employment to the group members but also, it further contributes to addressing climate change by ensuring proper disposal of waste products and reduce global warming through the greenhouse gases produced.
Mazingira Safi Picha Tamu group manages garbage collection by sorting out plastic waste that takes a long period to decompose. Plastic waste makes it difficult to grow trees that can aid reduce adverse climatic change. The group also supports tree planting initiatives in partnership with other organizations to sensitize communities on the importance of conserving the environment. Tree planting helps increase the water levels acting as a water catchment and reduces the excessive carbon in the atmosphere.
Community youth groups in Naivasha participate in a community clean-up and tree planting. Pictures: Muungano KYCTV.
Beautification initiative Kenya is a local youth group in Naivasha, dealing with city beautification. The youth group participates in planting trees along the roads in Naivasha. The group is also involved in, garbage collection by ensuring proper disposal of waste through sensitizing community residents on the effects of littering and providing waste bins for use. This aids in addressing global warming through the emission of greenhouse gas produced by the waste.
In an interview with Gavin, a member of Beautification Initiative Kenya, some of the challenges they face in regards to addressing climate change include a lack of cooperation from the community particularly in matters concerning proper waste management. “At times we end up seeking intervention from the County Government of Nakuru to help in sensitizing community members on the importance of having a clean environment that will not only keep the community safe but also help in reducing the spread of diseases”
According to Byron an environmental activist, “To save the future generation from adverse climatic change, the government needs to focus on reviewing policies on proper waste disposal since most of the residents in Naivasha are either not aware or just choose to ignore the policies in place”. The aquatic life in Lake Naivasha is reducing in numbers due to pollution from the harmful chemicals released into the Lake that kill the aquatic species.
Some common challenges the local groups within Naivasha face include; lack of cooperation from community members in matters related to environmental conservation through proper waste disposal, evasion of garbage collection fees by landlords and tenants making it difficult to sustain the group’s initiatives, and the costs incurred to hire the County Government’s truck which costs about three thousand shillings. This truck is used to ferry garbage from household pick-up points to the dumping site.