ACRC Engagement with Nairobi City County Officials Addressing Urban Development Challenges in Nairobi City Type: Technical, Author: Muungano Alliance, Type; Research, Author: SDI-Kenya, SDI-KenyaSDI22 November 2022RESEARCH, climate change, Naivasha, Vulnerability, Policy, Planning, Partnership, GovernmentComment
Defining Priority Complex Problems in Nairobi City: Insights from the ACRC Workshop on Health, Nutrition and Wellbeing and Structural transformation domains. Type: Technical, Author: Partners, Author: Muungano AllianceSDI19 October 2022RESEARCH, climate change, Naivasha, Vulnerability, Policy, Planning, Partnership, GovernmentComment
Urban transformation and the politics of shelter: Understanding Nairobi's housing markets (IIED) Author: Muungano Alliance, Author: Partners, Type: Research/academicMuungano Alliance29 February 2020Mukuru SPA, Nairobi, Housing, Basic services, PolicyComment
Muungano newsletter, Aug–October 2012 Author: Muungano AllianceMuungano Alliance31 October 2012Partnership, SDI, Youth, Learning, Exchanges, Policy, Housing, World Urban Forum, NewsletterComment