Muungano wa Wanavijiji

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Water, sanitation & energy consultation: Mukuru kwa Reuben segment 2 (Bins, Simba Cool & Rurie)

Where? Reuben Centre

When? 2.10.18

What? Water, sanitation and energy consortium consultation (Muungano alliance, Oxfam, Sanergy, Strathmore University, Nairobi Water Company,

Who? 103 resident representatives of SPA Mukuru kwa Reuben segment 2 (villages of Bins, Simba Cool & Rurie), representatives from the WSE consortium, and Muungano facilitators.

>What is a segment and how are the consultations organised?

About the community consultations:

This note is from the first of three sets of community consultations by the water, sanitation and energy consortium of the SPA.

This first set of consultation meetings are segment-level dreaming sessions, where residents share their views and aspirations with the consortium, and where the consortium works with the community to identify issues and challenges, community priorities, and ideas for potential solutions – all relating to water, sanitation and energy.

After the first consultation meetings, the consortium will develop a draft sectoral plan for the segment – this draft sectoral plan will be derived from the dreams shared in the first set of consultation meetings and tested against the existing reality of Mukuru.

In later sets of meetings, first at segment level, the consortium will seek residents’ feedback on these draft plans, which will then be revised accordingly. And then all 8 of the SPA consortiums will together share the final integrated development plan, for adoption by Mukuru’s residents. 

Brief notes on the discussion:

WSE consortium members present

  • Patrick Njoroge AMT Program Officer

  • Meremiya Hussein Sanergy Program Officer

  • Ignatius Maranga Strathmore University Programs

  • Kellen Muchira Caritas Switzerland Project manager

  • Mwaura Njogu SDI/AMT Programs

  • Naomi Sanergy Intern

  • Jacky Community Documentation

  • Aruna SITE  Programs

WSE consortium members absent with apology

  • Mario Kainga NCCG

  • Jack Oduor Umande Trust

  • James Mucheke NCWSC, Informal settlement Department

  • John Owegi Oxfam International

  • Jamlick Mutie KIWASH – USAID

  • Alex Manyasi Sanergy

Opening remarks

Patrick opened ground for everyone in the meeting to introduce themselves, after which he informs the meeting on the agendas of discussion (sanitation, water, energy) in relation to the three communities (Rurie, Simba Cool, and Bins). After introduction, the discussions proceeded with Meremiya opening the discussion.

Discussions – Sanitation

Patrick : Patrick opened ground for everyone in the meeting to introduce themselves, after which he informs the meeting on the agendas of discussion (sanitation, water, energy) in relation to the three communities (Rorie, Simba Cool, and Bins). After introduction, the discussions proceeded with Meremiya opening the discussion.

Meremiya : According to the statistics there are 94 toilets for 800 families. The presence of few toilets promotes the spread of diseases.

Community member : One of the community members explains that congestion and insufficient capital limits the possibility of putting up more toilets in the area. As a result, there is also insecurity as most plots do not have toilets causing an increase in deaths, robbery and rape cases for those seeking to help themselves in distant locations.


-       Every plot should have a toilet or at least after every 3 plots there should be a toilet available.

-       In addition, when the toilets are placed, provision of water tanks and electricity should be availed.

Meremiya : According to the facts, Meremiya stated that Diarrhea, Typhoid, and Parasites are dominant in Mukuru area. She requested the community to raise their opinions on the solution to this issue.Masaku – Community Member : Masaku’s opinion on the solutions was a request that the public toilets available should be opened and more added. Possibly, the county should also provide at least three public toilets. Secondly, the drainage systems should be widened.

Joseph – Community Member : Joseph who is a community member raised a complaint concerning Fresh Life. He stated that the price is high considering they have to pay Ksh. 1000 at the end of the month. Children are now forced to pay Ksh. 5 as opposed to their previous payment of Ksh. 3.

John- Community Member : John stated that the toilets are expensive thus most prefer using the ones that are free. The concern was seconded by a majority of the community members.

John Musyoki suggested the creation of a main drainage for the other small drainage pipes to drain into.

Meremiya : Meremiya raised a question on the lack of toilets in plots. One of the community members stated that availability of the Fresh Life toilets in plots would lead to an increase in rent. A factor the community members find inconvenient for them. Secondly, the sewer line if far from the plots making it difficult to put up the toilets. In addition, maintenance is high.

Community Member : As one of the solutions, the community members suggested the sewer line should be developed nearer thus making it easy to put up toilets in the plots.

Discussions – Water

Kellen: Kellen from Caritas took over after Meremiya. She requested the community to raise their concerns on water related problems, which are as follows:

  • -       Pipes get infected with sewage and the lack of energy to boil the water makes the water unsafe to use.

  • -       Access to water is limited, it comes after a week.

  • -       One 20litre jerrican is expensive (Ksh.5-10)

  • -       There are no water ATMs, only cartels

  • -       Water prices differ from village to village

  • -       The price goes up when people are many considering the taps are few.

Community Members: Solutions suggested by the community members include:

By community members

  • Dissolving cartels

  • Providing water token

  • Provide a tank and tap from the main source all the way down.

By Government

  • Provision of pipes

  • Provide a stand pipe for every plot

  • Water set up should be given to the plot owners. As a result, there should be formation of groups. A number opposed this motion, stating groups breed enmity.

  • The county should bring water tankers

Discussions – Energy

Ignatius : Ignatius representing energy requested the community to raise their concerns on energy, which are as follows

  • The area is populated and there are few transformers causing them to blow up.

  • Few people in the community use token electricity as compared to sambaza which has a majority. Most prefer sambaza because it is cheap. However, it has caused blowups and fires.

  • The community requests KPLC to make the token cheaper for the poor.

Community Members : The community was requested to state the most preferred energy sources. Paraffin topped the list, followed by charcoal, gas (only two people supported). With these statistics the harmful effects of paraffin were discussed and the community explained due to the high cost of gas most rely on paraffin.

Solution: - A suggestion was brought up to have a place to burn the waste to produce biogas for the community.: - The use of LED bulbs which use less electricity.

With the topic exhausted, Omanga took the floor.


Omanga – Community Member Omanga urged the community members to discuss before coming to the meeting. He also stated that almost 100 segments will happen on ground, dealing with the issues directly in small groups.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. by Omanga with a word of prayer.