Muungano wa Wanavijiji

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Water, sanitation & energy consultation: Viwandani segment 3

Where? Riverside Community Hall

When? 27.09.18

What? Water, sanitation and energy consortium consultation (Muungano alliance, Oxfam, Sanergy, Strathmore University, Nairobi Water Company,

Who? 85 resident representatives of SPA Viwandani segment 3 (villages of Uchumi, Kingstone, Riverside & Lunga-Lunga Donholm); representatives from the WSE consortium; Muungano facilitators.

>What is a segment and how are the consultations organised?

About the community consultations:

This note is from the first of three sets of community consultations by the water, sanitation and energy consortium of the SPA.

This first set of consultation meetings are segment-level dreaming sessions, where residents share their views and aspirations with the consortium, and where the consortium works with the community to identify issues and challenges, community priorities, and ideas for potential solutions – all relating to water, sanitation and energy.

After the first consultation meetings, the consortium will develop a draft sectoral plan for the segment – this draft sectoral plan will be derived from the dreams shared in the first set of consultation meetings and tested against the existing reality of Mukuru.

In later sets of meetings, first at segment level, the consortium will seek residents’ feedback on these draft plans, which will then be revised accordingly. And then all 8 of the SPA consortiums will together share the final integrated development plan, for adoption by Mukuru’s residents. 

Brief notes on the discussion:


In attendance were community mobilizers, community members from Viwandani Segment III, WSE consortium members, county government representatives and the local administration representative.  A total of 85 participants attended the meeting

Opening remarks

The meeting came to order at 10:00am with an opening prayer from Christine, a community mobilizer. It was followed by a brief introduction by Patrick on the three topics: water, sanitation, and energy. He stated the importance of participation in regards to it fitting in the county plan and funding for Mukuru.

Discussions – Sanitation

Sanitation discussion was led by Meremiya of Sanergy.

She led a discussion among the residents that aimed at to raising the sanitation issues/concerns and sanitation proposals using the guiding questions as follows

How many toilets are there in the Seg. iii        

They are about four hundred which is still insufficient.

What do the others who cannot access toilets do?

Open space, latrines, flying toilets, using basins, disposing the faeces in the drainage area, use the damping area, using exhausters and wheelbarrows.

What challenges do women and children face?           

Pregnant women face a great challenge and children suffer from diarrhoea, typhoid, and parasite infections in Mukuru compared to Kenya.

What kind of sanitation options do you prefer?

Community member: We need county latrines that can accommodate at least four plots each.

Community member: Sewer lines should be in every plot

Community member: Every family should have a toilet. At least no one will have to go outside to help themselves.

Community member: I second the motion on the need for every family to have a toilet. We also need a proper sewer line with good outlets that will enable us to dispose waste appropriately.

Community member: We need proper sewer lines. That is our main concern.

Community member: We have been segregated. Mukuru is not in Kenya. They have been constructing a sewer line for six years; it has never come to an end. All we need is a proper sewer line.

Community member: When they brought sand, the stones and mad went through the pipes causing blockage. That has caused congestion in our systems toilets cannot drain. Every house should have a toilet and it should be connected to the sewer line. At least our children will not get sick and we will not have walk on filth that we end up bringing into our houses.

Community member: According to the statistics you gave us, four hundred toilets are not sufficient for everyone. If the government will set a place where we can have toilets that are well maintained, it will be very helpful.

Community member: If the county puts a proper sewer line for us, it will be easier for every plot to have a toilet that connects to the main sewer.

Community member: What I can say is we need a proper drainage system. A proper drainage system will enable everyone to have a toilet that is connected and eventually drains into the big sewer that has a capacity to hold everything without blockage"

Who would be in charge of sanitation?

Community member: The county is responsible for the management

For those who pour waste into the river, how can we stop them?

Community member: If we can have toilets set aside in an area where an exhauster can easily access them, then we can organize a day set for the toilets to be drained. This way, we can prevent contractors from emptying the toilets in the river. The draining process can be possibly on weekends

Community member: At my place, the air stinks because all the waste is drained at the river nearby. I am not comfortable where I stay, I just persevere but I am not happy with the circumstances. I would like to request for a proper sewer line. Waste will go direct into the sewer line instead of people damping it at the river. All those houses with toilets are damping the waste into the river which is inconvenient for those near the river

Community member: We do not have proper toilets. Toilets that are connected to drain into the river are not considered toilets

Other concern

Community member: The water here is so contaminated. When our children are playing they end up contracting infections from the contaminated water. When the government is taking action, as much as we need proper sewer lines, the government should start by changing the conditions at Commercial because the main problem is there

Community member: What types of toilets are going to have? Pit latrine of flash toilets? - The community is the one to decide. As we discuss here, you are the ones to say what type of toilets you want and the drainage system you need

Discussion - Water

Water discussion was led by john Owegi of Sanergy.

He led a discussion among the residents that aimed at to raising the water challenges and water services proposals using the guiding questions as follows

How many jerricans of water do you get in a day?

Mary: I use five jerricans of water a day at Ksh. 5 per jerrican.

Jane: I use ten jerrican

Rose: I use about seven to eight jerricans of water on wash days. The other days I use about four to five jerricans. A jerrican goes for ksh. 10.

Rispa: I use seven jerricans of water a day. Each jerrican at Ksh. 5

John: I use three jerricans a day.

Elizabeth: The amount of water used depends on the amount of money one has. I can use three jerricans because I only have little money to purchase that much.

John: People at times use one jerrican because they do not have much to purchase more. If water was purchased at 50 cents, then we would even use up to twenty jerricans. Water is expensive, the prices need to go down.

Wangoi: I use about two to three jerricans of water. But when my grandchildren come to visit I use more.

Saida: I have children at home which make it costly purchasing water. I can use up to ten jerricans on a wash day.

How much time do you take before it is your turn to fetch water and get back to your house?

Community member: It depends on the water pressure. Most times I take bout 1 – 3 minutes.

Community member: It is not only dependent on water pressure but also depends on the day of the week. For a day like Saturday, many people are not at work and need to wash a lot of cloths. The water pressure is low and there are so many jerricans. It takes about 10 – 15 minutes to fetch water.

Community member: From the water point to my house it is about three minutes. However, on weekends it can take about 10-15 minutes just to fetch water.

Faustina: It is also dependent on power. On days that we lack power, it is hard to get water thus taking much longer.

Mary: At times we have water shortage. In that case I have to go to the next village which might take 3-4 hours to fetch water and get back.

What kind of water service do you prefer?

Community member: We need a water kiosk after every four houses.

Community member: There is a water chamber inside the mosque though it is not working. However, if we get more chambers that supply water to various plots, it will make things easier. At the same time, the people from Nairobi water have failed us. When they come, they only cut off the water supply; they do not bother checking if the water reaches the people. Therefore, if the chamber is still working they only reach at the car wash to cut off water supply to those who have not paid. They focus on money. In addition, there are pipes that are leaking and sewage mixes with the water causing contamination.

Community member: We need the water system in Mathare

Community member: If we had borehole water, then all would be well.

Community member: It will be better if we have storage tanks. At least we will be sure the water is safe and uncontaminated.

Community member: It will be good if we got the atm system.

Community member: It will be better if we got the tap water that we purchase at Ksh. 2. It is better than ksh. 5.

Community member: The County should bring us atm water. There are times we completely lack water and I have to go to the next village. The price at which we fetch water in the next village is higher because we are not from the same village.

Community member: Even if we got the atm water we still need tanks for storage. The youths will be responsible to their management.

Community member: We used to fetch three 20litre jerricans at ksh. 2. The problem is the county enforcement officers. The price was increased to ksh. 5. If only they can be accountable, then we will not be oppressed.

Community members: If everyone can be accountable in the government, then we can have great changes. Though I doubt.

Community member: Plot owner should put water points for their people. It will make things easier.

Community member: The unregulated water providers should be authorized to provide the water system to the entire village. This way we will be assured that it will be successful in all areas.

Where will we get the space?

Community member: In Riverside there is space. The pipes can pass on the main road and be divided when branching into the village. It does not require a lot of space.

Community member: Tenants can agree with their plot owners and provide space for the pipes to pass.

John – Oxfam: When an individual provides space, the county builds a 10 by 10 block with a tank on top. At the side you will have the ATM system and the house is free. You are able to do want you want in the house. We want a system that is affordable for all.

End Meeting

There being no other agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. with a closing prayer from the Patrick.